Newborn Essentials Checklist

Preparing for a new baby’s arrival is a very exciting time – but how do you know what the most essential items to buy are?
We’ve put together a list of our top picks, many of which are found on our Belly Beyond website. Simply click on the link of any item written in bold.

Baby Changing

- Nappies – Anticipate that you may go through 12 nappies per day to begin with. Make sure the ones you buy are suitable for newborn babies, with a cut-out for their sensitive umbilical cord ‘stump’, which takes a couple of weeks to heal and detach.
- Changing mat – Use a plush style mat (such as our Comfi-Cush) on your baby’s dresser/changing table in their nursery to complete the changing station; or, go for a portable clutch style.
- Nappy bag – Select from 5 brands and over 70 styles/colours on our website. Note that all our brands have a changing mat included with the bag.
- Baby wipes – Buy a pack for your nappy bag and another for the nursery/bathroom. Alternatively, there are reusable options.
- Soothing cream – Babies bottoms react sensitively to soiled nappies, but a nappy cream can help to relieve irritation, as well as create a barrier of protection against future moisture.
- Wet bags – Disposable or reusable waterproof bags are handy for storing dirty nappies when out and about without a bin.
- Nappy bin – For some, a nappy disposal system is an essential item, providing ease and odour-free comfort in the home.

Baby Monitoring & Health
- Baby Monitor – See our wide range of monitors to decide between the more basic options all the way through to Smart HD that can connect to a smartphone through an app.
- Thermometer – A baby’s normal body temperature is 37°C; with 38°C being considered a mild fever and 39°C being high.
- Nasal decongester – When your baby gets blocked up, this helps clear them up.
- Baby nail clippers – Keeping your baby’s nails short will prevent them from easily scratching their face.
- Humidifier – This device helps to protect newborns from dry air, which is more prone during winter or in a heatpump heated home, often causing bubs to develop dry and irritated skin. It also helps to clear up nasal congestion, leading to better sleep for a baby who is relieved from this ailment.

Baby Sleeping
- Swaddles – There are a range of swaddle options, and we stock many of the leading styles. To figure out what might best suit your baby, we advise observing their sleeping position on your ultrasound scans. If their arms are up by their face, try the Swaddle Up™ by Love to Dream. For arms down, see other styles on our website.
- Bodysuits / Pyjama Suits – You’ll need a number of different lengths and styles for layering up and down under your baby’s swaddle, depending on the room temperature.
- Bassinet or Cot – Search: Nuna, Babyletto, Cariboo. We also have a range of pre-made mattress and can custom make to any size and shape.
- Mattress protector for your baby’s bassinet or cot.
- Sheet Set / Jersey Fitted Sheet for your baby’s bassinet or cot. A two-pack is helpful for washing day.

- Black out blinds – A darkened room creates a strong sleep cue to support your baby’s sleeping routine, day and night.
- Night light – This is more for you the parent, when checking in on your baby. Note that many baby monitors have a built-in night light.
- Baby seat – With automated side-to-side movement, a product like the LEAF™ Baby Seat can help your baby settle to sleep, giving you the chance to do other things.
- Travel cot – Being able to put your baby to bed anywhere gives an extra level of freedom for parents who choose to own a travel portacot. Alternatively, a stroller bassinet can do the job for babies under 6 months.

- Nursing bras – In the last months of your pregnancy, it is recommended that you only wear underwire-free bras (maternity or nursing) to protect the milk ducts in your breasts. After birth, use nursing bras for easy access to the breast; these will have a clip at the top of the cup which can undo for feeding.
- Nursing pads/breast pads – By preventing leaks into your nursing bra, breast pads keep you feeling and smelling fresh for longer. Disposable or reusable options are available.
- Nipple cream – Lanolin is ideal, as it is the only type of remedy you don’t need to remove before feeding baby.
- Breastfeeding tops/dresses – Some women find breastfeeding-friendly clothes helpful, while others are happy to lift up/pull down their tops for feeding time.
- Muslin cloths/wraps – These are often gifted to new parents, and they are very useful for catching spills after/during feeding time and can also be used to cover up if you wish to.
- Support pillow – A feeding schedule is like a full-time job, so make sure to invest in comfort with a firm support pillow that helps you position your baby just right.
- Breast pump – Having a breast pump means you can express your excess milk and store it, which can give you the freedom to delegate feeding duties and have some time out.
- Milk storage bags – Store your ‘liquid gold’ with ease and have spare for another day!
- Baby bottles and teats – When you search this on our store, not only will it come up with a range of great products but also two handy blog articles including one on how to pick a bottle, written by the experts at NUK.
- Bottle and teat brushes – These are specially shaped to reach all the interior of your bottles and teats.
- Drying rack – Our innovatively designed BOON dish racks allow for a hygienic and efficient drip-dry, and the accessories are great for stacking bottle lids and teats.
- Formula milk – If you’re using formula milk, two options recommended by experts are ‘S-26 Gold Stage 1’ and ‘Karicare 1 Baby Infant Formula’, available at your local supermarket.
- Comfortable feeding chair – It doesn’t have to be new, but it helps to have a comfy armchair in your room/baby’s nursery for those night-time feeds. Extra features could be a rocking function and/or to have an ottoman to put your feet up.
Baby Bathing
- Baby Bath – We sell the Shnuggle Bath, which has a specially designed shape to support baby’s body. However, if you have a deep and clean laundry sink or a jumbo bucket, these can work too.
- Bath Thermometer – A comfortable and safe bath temperature for babies is 37-38°C.
- Hair & Body Wash – There are any different options on the market. If your family has history of skin conditions or allergies it might be helpful to get an organic or more natural option to reduce the risk of any reactions by your little one.
- Wash cloths – Soap up and go!
- Hooded Towel – This is a cute and fun extra item, but a bonus is that many come in packs with wash cloths.

Baby Play
- Play mat – Tummy time calls for a play mat! Consider choosing one that has an easy-wipe surface like our one by Skip Hop, as milky spit-ups are frequent!
- Baby mobile – These hanging toy bars over a soft mat give baby something stimulating to look at and reach for when they are lying on their back and something soft to lie on during tummy time.
- Plush toys, sensory toys and rattles, and teethers – Often a baby’s favourite toy will become an essential – everywhere you go! Aside from providing great company, a plush toy also helps to develop your baby’s motor skills as they hold them and handle them.

Out & About
- Infant Capsule/Car Seat – Note that having one is a requirement for driving home from the hospital. When stroller shopping, see if you can get a capsule that is compatible with your stroller, but note that many infant capsules are only suitable for the first six months to a year (alternatively, you may choose to hire one). Otherwise, an option like the Baby Jogger City Turn™ can take your child from newborn to 124cm.
- Stroller/Buggy – Make sure your stroller is newborn-compatible or otherwise choose one that you can connect your infant capsule to or a compatible bassinet. Useful accessories include a rain cover, blackout capsule cover (for sleeping), and a belly bar and footmuff/sleeping bag for when baby is into the stroller seat.
- Blanket – A blanket is an essential for going out and about with your baby and offers extra warmth and comfort when called for.
- Pacifier/soother – Many babies are more settled when they have something to suck on, hence the invention of the pacifier!
- Baby wrap/carrier – Babywearing is one of the best ways to get lots of bonding time in with your baby, while being able to get around the home or beyond and do what you need/want to do. We sell carriers by four leading brands and have a multi-topic series on Babywearing over on our blog, which provides comprehensive explanations of everything you may need to know.
- Baby view mirror – Keep an eye on your baby when they are in the rear-facing carseat position.
- Car window shade cover – Protect your baby from harsh sun rays as you drive.
- Cotton bodysuits/onesies – Get a range of styles i.e. short sleeved, long sleeved, sleeveless, legless etc. A zip down one leg is a handy feature!
- A range of clothing basics like tops, jumpers, pants, skirts/dresses (if applicable) is essential, as well as warmer items like cardigans and jackets for colder days.
- Socks, mittens, booties, hat, beanie, and bibs.
- Dresser – Store all your baby’s clothes (and items like nappies) in a dresser/changing table, such as the ones by Cariboo and Babyletto.

We hope this list has been helpful to you as you prepare for your exciting new arrival! We have also made a shortened version of the Newborn Checklist, which you can freely download and print.